Originally Posted by GOD
I really don't think that this would be a cost effective venture.
Metal working machines are expensive, you could probably buy a lathe and mill for pretty decent price, but stamping, bending machines...
It would have to be a long production run to justify all the expense.
Not to mention the setup times, tolerances, materials, cutters, coolant, assembly, QC...
Lots to think about
I already have access to most of the above you mentioned, I am a machinist.
The mill and lathe are mostly for hobbies, and building the stens only to help financing them a little. (they arent exactly cheap).
My production number would be around 10-15 of them so it will be a small batch. They cannot be converted to fire any live ammunition what so ever.
I have informed myself about the legallity of selling the replicas, at the nearest police center, in a legal matter I cannot sell them fully assembled but at least, I can sell the parts.
I will only have a firearms production liscence in 8 months as I am soon starting my gunsmithing course and planing to acquire a liscience for the intend of a future business related to the course.