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Old February 21st, 2007, 12:53   #13
Savage Haggis
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Lower Mainland, British Columbia - Canada
Okay, good start.

The majority of the links to cosplay (Resident Evil) looks I was already aware of, but thanks for linking them up just the same. Shows that A lot of people are keen to help me out.

From the game stand point, the majority of the Umbrella trooper look is pretty generic SWAT ERT load out, but I'm looking to apply a little more of the real world load out to my airsoft look. I'm working from the view point of, what options do I have, if the situation I were involved in, as an Umbrella Soldier, were real... How would I load out? What would appear, to the common person on the street, as a "Oh Shit, get outta way!", kind of look.

I appreciated the comment on the boots & I agree that part of the badasss look begins with the boots. Once upon a time I saw a pair of Safety Boots from Husqavarna that were outstanding, over the ankle, steel capped, black with lace ringlets that ran wide all the way up the boot. However the website does not show them now - so I will be cruising the pawn shops to see if I can salvage a pair.

I also appreciate the pic of the asssault vest, but it's not quite what I'm looking for. I've tried locating something along the lines of the black ballistic "bubble" vest the IDF used once upon a time, part plate carrier, part walking armoury with more mag pouches then one might think usable.

So far, so good.

Let's keep the ideas coming.
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Quite the thread; seen the return of Savage Haggis and the end of an empire.
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