Here's my two cents. Having owned a TM M3 Shorty, and a Marushin M500 Maxi. First off they are apples and oranges. The M500 is double to cost, but it's all metal, racks like the real thing and is a beauty to behold. The TM M3 was also an enjoyable gun to own. With some skill you can own in CQB and careful target acquisition you can easily hold your own in open skirms. It has it's fall backs, lots of plastic, shell ejector door problems and the breakage problem. But if you love it, treat it good and not beat on it like a red-headed stepchild it'll serve you well and is decent bang for your buck. Despite what DROC says it's not a bad gun. A friend of mine and I both had shorties and were surgical with them. If you got the moolah buy big and go M500 or 870, if you're on a budget and want a decent shotty go M3 Super 90. Plus, a shotty will really hone your E&E skills and cover skills, as you can't return fire as rapidly as with an AEG. Just pick your moments and you'll be fine.
Not to mention I'm aquiring another M3 Super 90 (Full Version) again. I like the gun despite it's problems and enjoy using it.
The only easy day, was yesterday.