Thread: M3 shotguns
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Old February 9th, 2007, 12:50   #21
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Calgary, Alberta
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So which would you reccomend the TM or the Maruzen? Whats the aproximate cost of both or do you know? I've had a hard time finding prices in candadian dollars.

Just a few quick questions about the maruzen. How do the gas powered shotties work, are they good and reliable? Are they more/less finicky than a springer? Do they have more metal components than the TM? Aproximate FPS, more/less than 300? How many bbs do they fire at once? And lastly how many bbs does each shell hold.

And I know what you mean about the shells, mags are fine but loading actual shells is way more awsome, one of the reasons I picked out the TM lineup right away.

Sorry about all the questions, hopefully its not to much of a pain in the ass.
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