Thread: M3 shotguns
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Old February 8th, 2007, 16:26   #16
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Location: Edmonton, AB
Tanaka M870 which has just been recently released.

Very little information at the moment about them, but from a few people who've already have had first hand experience with it, it sounds like a winner.

Gas and BBs (3) loading into each shell which ejects, metal barrel/receiver.
With a shell catcher, it would be a nice CQB shotgun.

A cheaper route would be to look into the Maruzen M870. Though it's got more plastic (receiver/barrel), it's a lot cheaper. Gas loaded into internal tank reservior, BBs loaded into shells. Should only be run on duster though unless reinforced, but that's no problem considering you could load up to 10 0.12g BB's.
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