M3 Shorty
I've recently purchased one and use it primarily in cqb games. In my opinion, it is a fun weapon to use but hard to recommend when going up against an aeg or gbb user with a fast trigger finger (Our cqb games are semi only). When your adrenaline is up, racking the slide isn't so bad, but generally it's a hard pull. Another detractor is the lack of stock; it makes acquiring targets a shade more difficult with no solid pivot point in your shoulder. The ten 3-round shots you get with each shell is not really a factor with such a slow rate of fire, and having a dump pouch eliminates the problem completely. Not to deter you completely, the BB spread is pretty good at about 20', and has nabbed me a few kills on a poorly aimed reflexive shot...
Physical weak spots? The front sight and the fake bolt knob...
I think if you are going to buy a shotgun for airsoft, you have to do it because you love shotguns in general or are looking for a battery/gas independent firearm...