Thread: M3 shotguns
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Old February 7th, 2007, 23:25   #1
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Calgary, Alberta
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M3 shotguns

Well, I have recently discovered this wonderful sport of airsoft and have become quite addicted to it so I'm looking at purchasing my own gun. I'm looking at springers since they tend to be cheaper than AEGs and somewhat less maintenence. That and I just like shotguns. So after doing some research I've found Tokyo Marui's M3 shorty. I quite like the design of this gun, short barrel, and a pistol grip, and it fires three bbs at once. So I'm wondering about the quality of this gun, do they hold up well, or do they fall apart after a month? Does the three barrel design make cocking the gun hard? So basically anyone owning one if they could pitch in their two cents about this gun it'd be appreciated. Any other shotguns that would be good for CQB can be added in as well.
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