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Old January 21st, 2007, 23:32   #1
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Got some q's.

A very respected pistol tech in my area is selling a KSC M9 Military for $120 which is "optomized" by him and it comes with all the original papers and box.

He is also selling a WA M92 Perfect Version for $140.

My questions are...

1. Will the KSC M9 be a good skirmishable weapon with accuracy, range, and durability needed for a woodland skirmish that occurs every weekend?

2. Will this gun preform better than a TM P226?

3. Is the WA M92 Perfect Version a better skirmish sidearm than the KSC. I am afraid I won't be able to replace any internal or external parts on the WA if needed thus making it more of a plinking weapon than the KSC.

**I'm unable to understand the simple concept of signature size limits.**
G&G UMG (Review available here:
TM G-Spec
TM M14 SOCOM (Soon to have!)
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