Thread: MP-40
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Old January 21st, 2007, 15:11   #5
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
Originally Posted by Jamiew View Post
Greylocks and Kid both-Many thanks! Greylocks-I didn't see in the link you provided where one actually completes "Age Verification", and I did add somewhat to my profile. (Thanks for the "Read this" link)
I don't have a URL? or MSN /ICQ things (I don't think? Not fantastically computer literate obviously.
Kid-Again, as I'm horribly new at this: Still not sure exactly sure where within this forum, or on the web, where to look, how to order, whom to speak to, Etc.
If anyone can give me the "New Guy" version? Or: "How to buy an MP-40 for dummies"? I do appreciate any assistance offered!
Cheers and Regards to all-JamieW
PM'd with the 'How to buy an MP-40 for Canadian noobies'
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