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Old January 20th, 2007, 23:33   #10
bladewalker's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: alberta, calgary
I think I know the heating strips your talking about, they look like double sided tape coming in white and red. we considered those but we found the same problem you did. we ended up using a closed system heater, basicly one of those chemical heater packs you buy at MEC which you shake up and put in your gloves. We tested it first its hard to break and the one which we tryed had no corrosives in it (though one did ruin a set of bdus by changing the color), we also liked that it almost always stayed at 22 degrees. just in case we set it up on a shake table (basicly flat paintshaker), made it to 44 degrees but lasted for only 3 hrs before dieing out. so its safe but not effecient.

as for over heating the mags yea you have to keep an eye on that for any system because the cold may suck, but being burned isn't any better. as for having the gas at such high pressures I fully agree, we found that above ~40 degrees it started to do damage to all our GBBs, though it gave new meaning to "hard-kick" on the Degeale.
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