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Old January 10th, 2007, 14:04   #2
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Guarder also makes a RDS Acog, I have one on my CAM15 Carbine and I love it. Got it from the armoury for $150 Though they're currently sold out as I bought the last one.

Or, you could check WGC and get in on a group order.
Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
I recommend you wait until you're 18+, have a decent education, a good job, a home that isn't your parent's basement, a car, and enough expendable cash that you don't have to ask my advice on buying junk - by then you'll be old enough, wise enough (hopefully) and have enough cash to buy whatever you want regardless of the multitude of conflicting opinions you're going to get.
I'm Going To Live Forever... Or Die Trying!
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