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Old December 11th, 2006, 21:31   #1
ROF_Madman's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: California, United States
Insane ROF with turbo and li-poly

Hi i have just purchased the following items for my TM SR-16: (warning long list)
-Systema turbo motor
-11.1v 1500 mAh li-poly
-gaurder polycarbonate piston(i will file down the teeth)
-Prometheus gear set(shims included)
-reinforced spring guide
-gaurder polycarbonate pistonhead
-6mm metal bushings by systema
-Systema polycarbonate tappet plate
-deans connectors

-im thinking about getting a mosfet but it seems very difficult to install.

That basically everything i'm planning on putting into my gun. Tell me your predictions on how well the gun will hold up and how high the ROF should be. my friend said with the turbo motor over 40 rps easy, What do you think?

all comments are appreciated.
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