The only way I found too get rid of that play was to wrap some electrical tape around the end of the barrel so it takes up the space between the foam and the inner barrel,it seems Mickey mouse,but theres nothing too attach the barrel too! and I just played with the amount of tape,so it still slid in without fighting with it.As for the motor,this has the G&P 120 high speed,the ones that have the EG700 were the ones from WGC(it's listed on there web-page),for some reason they were switching them.The wires in the cranestock I found were too long in mine.All three of my M4's have cranestocks(two of them are G&P Cranestocks,the other is Classic Army and there are not able to use the same batterys from G&P to the Classic style).We tryed some T.M. low-cap mag's and there was no luck there as far as my unit goes.I'v yet to find another Mag. to fit this Gun,but if anybody knows of any Pls. let me know!