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Old December 3rd, 2006, 11:39   #10
Rest in Peace
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Winnipeg
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I bought one (M4SO, Marines version) a couple days ago. I haven't had a chance to field it, but I bought it because my buddy showed it to me and I was sold. Completely solid body, can't find any play anywhere, and it fires damn well. I haven't chrono'd it yet, but I'm going to in a couple days.

The weird issue I've had so far is the G&P mag that came with it won't click in the receiver; you can with a wee bit of force pull the magazine out. The ten extra King Arms mags don't have this problem, and I'm going to wait for a couple days after oiling them to see if they have any feeding issues. I'll test a few out tonight and let you know.

I do have the correct crane stock battery, but the problem with it is that the battery cord isn't long enough to remove the stock with the battery secured inside. This is a problem when trying to install the battery, as the cables are exactly long enough to remove, with maybe 1mm of clearance. Otherwise you'll get pissed off like me when the battery connection comes undone every time you try to put the stock back on. So I'm upgrading the connectors to better ones and put a little play in the battery cable, and we'll see what happens from there.

Otherwise, this gun is a beauty to hold and fire. Even the trigger weight feels really solid and not toy-like, unlike my two G36s (TM and CA).
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