I found 3 different peices of news about AEGs, None of which I have seen posted on here before, and didn't feel like making 3 different threads, so here ya go:
From the makers of the Vulcan airsoft minigun, the 8mm airsoft .50cal:
This is an all new 8mm heavy support airsoft gun. It is the first time ever that I am aware of that an 8mm full-auto machine gun has ever been built. the firing mech is operated by air and the loader is electric. the firing system works in unison by simply depressing the trigger. this starts the flow of gas to an internal valve and it also completes the circuit for the electrical auto loader. The cyclic rate is fully adjustable via inline flow control (100rpm to 600rpm) the videos show about 400rpm and a 550rpm. the auto-loader is stored in the ammo box along with a 20oz Co2 bottle. it can hold about 2k rounds in its current configuration and feeds the 8mm bbs through a SS tight coil spring. the feeder is extremely reliable and don't miss a beat, as a matter of fact we tested it pushing bbs over 7' through an aluminum tube elevated 4' higher than the loader. there is also a clutch assembly designed with it so that it does not try to force bbs faster than the gun can digest them. Because the gun utilizes a sealed valve system and only uses the gas when it fired it is very efficient. we field tested it using a 5lb Co2 bottle and cycled it well over 5k rounds and there was still plenty of gas. the unit can operate on Co2 or HPA. the velocity can be adjusted from 200fps to 500fps we currently have our adjusted at 450fps shooting .45g 8mm bbs. the unit does have a hop-up and can be adjusted for extreme long range shooting. We have tested it out to 80yrd with a flat trajectory and will be doing some additional testing on the max range and post more info. We will be going into production very soon and felt to post the info first to judge response and determine how many unit we will build. We are not sure if this will be a limited production item and therefore can not yet determine exact cost, but it will be somewhere around of $2800 to $3200.
We were going to produce the 50 cal bodies ourselves but found a Co that sells all metal replicas they mainly sell to the government but have agreed to provide us with the bodies to be used in our application. this will help us in cutting down production time as all we have to produce is the gas firing internals and the auto-loader.
Stay tuned for more info as we will be updating with all the final details.
ICS is releasing two new AEGS, the M4 Pistol, and the L85A1:
(Sorry, couldn't find a legible link.)
And finally, the tidbit of information you were all waiting for, Guarder is making an M4!
(Sorry, no usable link for this either.)
It appears that Guarder might be getting into the actual AEG business, and I am not talking about rebadged Star or LY AEGs. On Guarder's coming soon page, there is a "limited edition" full metal M16A2 carbine listed with a MSRP of USD $299.9. It will also have unique serial number, and the first 100 units will include flat top upper receiver as well. Either Guarder wants to clear overstocked inventory of parts, or it's testing waters for a new market.