Thread: .12 g BBs
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Old November 6th, 2006, 23:08   #27
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Not sure the brand (got them from Walmart, has Eagle in it or something, will check later ) but I only use the red 0.12g BBs in my MP5s as I said earlier, first 12-20rds in the mag, filled with quality 0.25g after that. Point being, let's you know the mag is almost empty, both by the sight of red BBs overhopping and the sound (oddly, the sound of 0.12g BBs is of a bit higher pitch).

Damage my gun? Not as bad as dry firing a version 2 mechbox when mag is empty. Damage my hop up rubber? Sure, could happen, but I replace my hop up rubber (Guarder 50% clear) once or twice per year because I enjoy having it fresh (I'm a sniper and am more in tune with airsoft ballistics than most other snipers, by experience and my work-acquired knowledge of aerodynamics) so I can be confident in consistancy and performance.

Add in I'm a "Gun Doctor" I see no reason whatsoever not to use them for the application I do. As far as I can tell, I'm one of the very few people around that use 0.12g in this role, I know of no one else who does (hey, I originally thought of it, passed the info around; same as using 0.30g BBs and up to 0.43g BBs to best effect in GBBs........... 130ft kills with 0.43g BBs from a G19 anyone? ).
a cheapo walmart rock tumbler helps with those. I se the same setup with the reds and to save my hopup, i toss them in the rock tumbler. doesnt take long before it removed the nubs and seams...but doesnt damage the shape.
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