Thread: .12 g BBs
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Old November 4th, 2006, 21:59   #19
freddyclaw's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Outlook, SK
I had a bunch of the cheap crossman .12s because i bought a mid line gun then it broke so i had the leftovers. I tested gun out with .25;s elite and it alot more consistant but to just go out with friends i use some of each because they all got cheap clear springers. Canadian tire. I suggest just use cheap ones to shoot around for fun. Use actual ammo for skirmishes. That way you won;t jam gun up. From my experience (which isn;t much to date) The g3 Sg1 is very rugged because i have shot about 5000 plus crossman .12 without a single jam and I have not even cleaned my gun yet. It is no like you are wrecking it if you watch the bbs a bit and if you feel or see a horrible one pluck it out and keep going. If it doesn;t wreck gu and you are just plicking I advise .12 big jugs of crossman little jugs have crappy bbs.
"Life is not tried it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire" -Garth Brooks
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