Thread: MOLLE Question
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Old October 29th, 2006, 15:31   #1
formerly sstrunks
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Location: St-Sauveur, QC
MOLLE Question

Hi! First, I hope it doesn't have been ask yet but, I don't think so...

I do modify a part of a panel vest, and, I want to make a Molle system on it.
Since it's not the whole vest, it won't be so hard. But, I still need an essential information... Measurements. I know that some of you guys have Molle Vests, so if you can take the time to help me, it would be very nice.
What I need (it's kinda hard to explain for me, since english isn't my first language, I apologize) is the measurments (distance) between each seams (in centimeters). The seams are the ones vertically placed on each horizontal lines... I don't know if you understand what i'm talking about, but that's the best way I can explain it...

Thanks for help!

Last edited by Damascus; October 29th, 2006 at 15:48..
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