Thread: M700 A.I.C.S.
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Old October 26th, 2006, 22:00   #55
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Maple Ontario
I got mine about $800 cnd new so it was good. The packaging needed to be improved than 3 piece of foam but it comes with 1 speed loader, manuals and instructions on pcs system, 1 mag about 29 bb's can be put in this mag is big so on a hot day I got about 5-6 mag worth of shots. It has really nice range and accuracy for stock im planning to upgrade to a smaller bore to double the range. but the cold affects your range greatly but a sniper only need 1 shot so just heat it up in your pocket than put it in. The other thing is total stripping of the gun. I did it once the last screw near the front was really hard to put back in some of the body didn't connect leaveing a gap but dosent affect anything. when lubing the gun watch out you dont put too much the silicone will affect the travel of the bb's and i seen some of mine go into vortex spins and curve only about 4 meter out of the barrel but overall great gun.
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