Awesome kits, maybe we should sticky a "Post your gear and weapon" thread with some descriptions. Heres mine.
Old setup was with a G&G R5

Winter OP

Sidearm Glock 19
I then owned a CA cqbr, loved it, let it go and built this.

The vest is a phantom Ciras maritime.
In the picture i have two blackhawk single m4 pouches and KA double m4 pouches. I replaced the doubles with Blackhawk Double m4 pouches. The large utility pouch on the side is now replaced woth the emdom bomb pouch with velcro patch on it.
Camel bak therombak
Blackhawk Dump pouch
The gun is G&P, used, havent shot it yet.
Tightbore barrel
Phantom flash hider
KA Grip
Aimpoint Replica
Arms Mount
Real Vltor stock (on the way)
Proud CASV replica to come soon.