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Old October 11th, 2006, 11:37   #35
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa
Heres the gist of longer barrels as I understand it:
-If you stick a longer barrel on a short barreled gun (and replace the cylinder if necessary) then you may get an fps jump, CDN_Stalker had this when he put a 10cm longer barrel on his MP5, jumped 30fps. Higher fps = longer range (noticable but not a huge increase.) For example a stock TM G3-SG1 is listed at 265fps and a TM MP5k is listed at 250fps with the same stock spring, its just that the G3-SG1 has a longer barrel (amoung other things...though my stock MP5k shoots 280fps for some reason)

-Two guns shooting the same fps but one with a short barrel and one with a long barrel with have a bearly noticable difference in range but the longer barreled gun will be more accurate at any given range

I'm a long rifle convert, have a full sized G36, M16, and AK-47 as well as a sniper rifle (M24) but I do keep an MP5k and P90 around for close range games (not to common where I play but invaluable in those circumstances.)

Last edited by LUTNIT; October 11th, 2006 at 11:40..
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