Originally Posted by SwattMedic
Good job on taking on behalf of the local community to educate, inform and find out what the local RCMP's general feelings on airsoft. I would have been paranoid to say the least that they would have conficated my airsoft equipment. Now I may reconsider that trip to the local detachment.
my advice is call and set up an appointment, explaint to whoever answers the phone what you are interested in and who you speak with, then when you have a meeting bring your equipment pics ect in your trunk and ask him if he would like to take a look at it that way you can get a feeling of the situation. i was worried they may take my guns but i have just gotten so tierd of being worried and if they wanted them there id rather that then at gunpoint on a feild.
I do realise he is mearly one cop however id rather have one cop at a time on our side then no cops on our side.