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Old September 16th, 2006, 22:04   #7
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If anything practical is to be done about it, it should be the whole 18yrs old to own /use law. That would be something reasonable. Sorry under18ers, but the whole legal age limit would be enforceable. I know some peeps are gonna say look at cigaretts underagers smoke them all the time. I know peeps who go and buy for them. However a pack of smokes is only10$, airsoft $500. The loss of all the guns combined with perhaps a, loss of busness licence for stores that knowingly sell and a No sale list nation wide would definitly make peeps think twice about letting these guns get into the wrong hands. Responsible peeps who only use their guns at games or home show(chairsofter), store them safely, and don't do the stupid shouldn't be punnished for the acts of the few idiots.
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