Thread: Systema dealer?
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Old September 11th, 2006, 22:16   #3
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
There is no Systema dealer in Canada. You can try Mark at A&A in Winnipeg. He does orders with Redwolf who does stock alot of Systema PTW's and related accessories.

XP in Vancouver was bringing in the Challenge Kit, but their recent import "hiccoughs" may not be good for getting one from them. Other than that, there is nothing else.

As the owner of the Systema M16A3 PTW, I can tell you it's worth the $$$. But be prepared to spend alot. I ordered the Challenge Kit, 6 mags, 2 batteries and a few custom accessories and the gun cost nearly $2500. And I still have to put it all together (every single piece!!). A fully built one would have been another $600-800 more at least. But alas, mine was ordered from XP about 3 weeks ago, so who knows where it is now.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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