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Old September 11th, 2006, 00:59   #3
Bearbait 37
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: At Home
Daes: Great photos and instructions!! , Absolutly the kind of answer I was looking for +. I'm trying to address repair to my SIG 550 where the crack occured just behind the receiver and did a Cloth and Crazyglue mixture, It came out looking like Micarta and sanded down to a "Smooth as Glass" type of finish. I pondered on Fiberglass since day 1 and was leary as the type of reaction it may have on plastic, or if it may not adhere at all to the surface.
I want to keep it as stock as posswible, but that dream ended the moment I started my repairs. The next step will be to go out and find the material to complete repairs to the furniture and make it stronger than stock. Thank you again Daes . Hope to buy a Digital cam soon so I can post my Pics....Bearbait
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