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Old August 29th, 2006, 16:26   #14
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Winnipeg, MB
I found that the bolt pull on mine was getting a little rough but since I'm on a budget (who isn't these days) I started looking for an alternative to buying a brand-new cylinder. I came across a suggestion to use graphite lube on the plastic rings that hold the cylinder in place in the receiver. It's been working quite well so far and it's a lot cheaper than buying the Teflon cylinder. On the other hand, the Teflon cylinder isn't shiny chrome like the stock one but that's just cosmetics.
As far as the reinforced sling lug for a bi-pod, I don't think you need it. If you're looking for a swivel model of bi-pod you may still need it but otherwise you probably don't. I've been using a Harris for a while and do leave the bi-pod off most of the time (I've really come to hate it for woodland games) I've smacked the rifle around with the bi-pod on quite a few times and I haven't had any problems with the front sling mount.
I know the USR-11's have a problem with their sling mounts but the TM VSR's don't suffer from it.
I'm only 5'8" and I could see how the additional height would come in handy while cocking this gun
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