Originally Posted by BBS
yeah i went on a vacation a few years ago with my friends to Hong Kong and you see all these kids running around in malls, streets, subway, with no-name brand BB guns, kids like 12+ usually get marui springers/GBBs. you see BBs all over the ground in hong kong. Kind of scares me. I think HK allows kids to get guns and its ok to publically bring it out is because its impossible for citizens to get real firearms (only if your are terrorist and you smuggle it in which again is impossible) and so the police there are used to kids with crappy springers....
my 2 cents :-D
What kinda fucked up neighbourhood did you live in??? And you seem to have no idea what you're talking about, you sure you went to HK and not to Texas?
I lived in HK for like 10 years, and still go back every few years to visit. Yeah you can get airsoft at a lot of places, most toy store carry some cheap springers, but you certainly don't see a lot of kids running around with their springers or AEG in public. That's just over-exageration. At most, I see kids running around with super fake plastic guns that shoots out red plastic suction darts. (The ones you get for a dollar at the dollar store and break after 20 shots)
The furthest public kids will go with a real airsoft gun is inside the apartment conplex, ie running around the floor they live on with other kids. Even then, I can't say I've seen one and I lived at quite a few places. HK is a city where majority parents actually stand at the playground and watch their kids play, you think they'll let their kids run around with a BB gun? They are scared shitless when the kid got a tiny scrap on knee let alone having their kids getting potentially shot in the eye. And they won't bring it to school to show off either because their backpack at literally packed with books since grade 1!!!
There are plenty of airsoft fields in HK, indoor and outdoor! They even have one in the basement of a mall, so it's easily accessible for most.
So who ever says people in HK play airsoft in public, take some pictures, prove me wrong. Until then, do use your "I heard from this guy", "I heard from a friend", "I read about it". :smack: