Originally Posted by Goldman
The "Defienbunker".
My first thought exactly.
I like the White House idea. I'd love to have a game there, but only if we can burn it down again. With George in it.
Canada has tons of good places that I'd theoretically love to have a game at:
UBC Campus, especially if the steam tunnels were included.
Storm drains of Vancouver. They're all 6 feet tall, and they're EVERYWHERE.
Riverview Psychiatric Hospital. With the patients.
Can't recall the name, but another now abandoned psych hospital in the Kamloops/Kelowna area. This one's actually possible as it's owned by a fellow who lets film crews shoot there.
Again can't recall the name, but there's an entire mining town up the coast in BC somewhere, deserted with the exception of the caretaker. Houses, mall, hospital, rec plex, the works.
Another can't remember, a place up the BC coast with so many mining tunnels one of our group called it 'Moria'. The main tunnels were apparently big enough to drive my Jeep through, from what I'm told...
Kingston Pen. With the inmates. But I bet they wouldn't call their hits.
Oh, and anywhere in France. Just for the easy wins.