MilSim input needed.....
Hey Guys,
I'm in the process of designing a serious MilSim for the BC crowd (although anyone is welcome from the rest of Canada and the US).
Need a bit of input from everyone. Which would you prefer:
1) Force on Force, where the op-for is made up of other airsofters, or
2) Intericate scenarios where you make your own teams (6-8 man fireteams) prior to game day, then play against and unknown element (ie actors, extras ect)
I've got some good back-stories and missions planned. This would be a weekend event, where you stay "in character" from start to finish. I like the idea of building your own teams because you can practice and get to know and rely on the guy covering your 6.
Next question, Season/Weather:
Do people mind playing in the fall/spring when its a bit cooler, maybe even a bit wet?
Well guys, any positive input would be greatly appreciated.
Marco P.