Originally Posted by Greylocks
Then simply show up to games, and learn the game better than him. Then beat his ass.
No favorites; read a lot.
One thing; I've found that women learn faster because they listen to advice. They also tend to play smarter and use their brains.
If you dont read the Information provided, you will get flamed as solidly as the rest. If your boyfriend is here, how about you name him so we can educate him in social graces?
Greylocks! You complimented women! It's the first compliment I've read of yours. You're softening up old man.
That said. Welcome to the sport. My boyfriend got me into it. He has me use his weapons (since he has a lot and 'buying another would be silly, especially since' I love his MP5. I played some games, watched while he 'doctored' his weapons and learnt, paid a lot of attention to things and just went with the flow. Then he got me a present- a plate carrier, and now I'm buying gear for myself. The addiction of it all grows on you and eventually you also get used to how disgusting or rowdy guys just are when you give them airsoft.
(To anyone who knows it I reference 'raping the owl'.)