Originally Posted by attack-beacer
same here if so i think we should post this on JOC if it is ture.
Well then, looks like JOC will have yet one more piece of intersting gossip to talk about.
I said I had to see it to believe it, and now I do. Stopped by the place while on my way to a friends house and checked it out. Not only are they selling a TM high capa 4.3 and a TM Desert Eagle, They're also selling a KJW USP 45 with a threaded outer barrel, and a KJW Glock 23. Myself and Avenging Angel looked at them all up close and personal out of the boxes. Just like owner said, this guy wont sell to anyone under 18. He also said he would be getting more in aswell. Either way, I never expected to see that.