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Old July 12th, 2006, 14:47   #7
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada
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Personally I'd choose a nice 3 point sling for my gun over the bipod it has on it. I have a full metal G3-SG1 that weighs 12lbs (more with night vision optics on it) and a good sling just plain helps for carrying it in the bush for hours. The G3 comes with a bipod (piece of crap mind you) on it and I once tried to use it in a game and it was useless. I've used it for zeroing scopes and lasers etc but for practical use I wrap my sling around my front hand and use it to stabilize my shots or use a handy rock/log/knee/fellow player or whatever is handy.

The engagement distances in airsoft even with a modified "high-powered" sniper rifle don't normally call for a bipod. However, if you were say an M249 or M60 user and had a nice bipod with a swivel action on it, might be useful for being prone and sweeping side to side for cover fire.

Just my 2c.
Old buy/sell rating:
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