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Old July 9th, 2006, 20:23   #35
JacoNB's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Lincoln, New Brunswick
Originally Posted by bean
i thought shag died with the 70's

There's a SF store in the mall here in Freddy Beach... I'm gonna pop in tomorrow to see if they have any of these beasts.

Aqua, I saw that EXACT same pistol in England at every 'sporting goods' store I could find, they sold for about £5. (about $10 Canadian). I didn't buy one (for obvious reasons), but they were everywhere.

Most stores around Newcastle (UK) were telling me that they were having trouble importing the guns into England lately, so all the "top name" brands were rare and hard to find. They had a lot of CYMA and WELL AEGs though, even a few KJW pistols, almost everything was under £25; the AEGs, the GBBs... most springers were less than £8.

It was sooooo hard not to go crazy and buy it all. lol.
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