This wasn't before worthy of a responding post, but I'm going to now that I ended up editing my above post to around a page.
The bottom part of my last post was more of sarcasm than anything. Just because it is popular belief on this board. Which is definately why I added the kickass avatar remark. I believe that post count does matter for some sort of respect on ASC itself, though. Mostly meaningless to anything else. Grammar is usually more meaningful than anything else on this board.
I'm also going to point out that I did not attempt to lie to bypass the system. The jeuler account was inside the family, at first I did not agree to that, but it was. Nothing had been done with that account, it was not verified, it was openly stated by myself to Larry whose it was, after he mentioned that if I was to be verified, it would need to be on a parent's account. Afterwords, he mentioned that the parent would have to be playing. The account was then left idle without anymore attempts to be verified.
This was all known by Larry and I had not once lied to him or tried to bypass the system by lying or using methods that are not mentioned and stated as allowed in the Verification FAQ, as having a parent verified and able to purchase.
I'm also going to mention that all the above senarios involved myself. The bootcamp was actually a contradicting one, being invited to come down with the others by a couple guys in Chris and wiseowl I believe, then after sending an email to Larry, being booted from all of it by him and being accused of lying about the invitation to come out. The email to Larry was by recommendation of wiseowl because I had questioned whether I would be able to participate in the non-gun/non-skrimish events.
This issue was never resolved. It's also quite off topic. :-|