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Old May 14th, 2006, 14:07   #25
BawBag's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by Point_Man
Originally Posted by Lerch
Originally Posted by Farmboy
The issue Cadpat gloves turn my hands green when wet.

The GoreTex jacket leaks.
I haven't had any color changing problems with the gloves, then again, I don't let the fill up with water.
As for the jacket, maybe reproofing is in order.

Remember, you need to take care of your kit for it to work properly.
CF members expect their kit to take quite a fair amount of abuse; which is to say more so then an afternoon of airsoft. I don't think anyone with the issued gloves purposefully allows them to be filled with water, but it happens regardless. Even the small packs (I've found) have a colour fast problem when put on wet snow. Scotch Guard only does so much for rain, but when you're getting soaked in a swamp, you're getting soaked in a swamp.
Point Man is right. Leerch, come on your a keen cadet, your weekend ex's are pretty laid back. My last DP1 reg force course I went through 3 gortext jackets and 4pairs of MK3 boots. I took care of them too. Doesnt matter how many coats of polish you put on your boots, cement over powers, same with dirt on the gortext jackets.
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