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Old April 21st, 2006, 13:13   #1
NOTICE to the Community - Native land disputes and airsoft


After watching the news this morning, and reading the threads on ASC regarding the current Native protests taking place across Southern Ontario, I thought it might be a good idea to remind all members of the community from the Halton / Hamilton / Niagra / Caledonia ( and any other regions where Native communities are common) to excercise additional discretion when travelling to or from games or events.

In all likelihood, regional police agencies as well as the OPP and RCMP will be looking for "suspicious individuals or activity" that may be associated with the current Native protests, or any activity that may suggest an escalation by Native groups such as those observed during the 1990 Oka / Akwasasne standoff(s). Groups of young men and women in camouflage clothing seen publicly may generate unwanted attention.

Please be extra sensitive to this issue.
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