Originally Posted by Shugart
Im' sorry, but if I'm on a budget, I don't wanna dish out tonnes of cash for Locaps.
And yes, Star is pumping out more and more for different guns, but not every gun is covered.
Bingo. Even us ubar-milsimmers in Manitoba still make exceptions for beginners with hicaps. You're expected to go buy low and realcaps when your budget allows, but rarely does anyone sit out if one hicap is all they have. If anything, other players will loan you lowcaps if you need some. I've got seventeen Star mags myself, others here have double, triple, or sometimes MORE than that. No, I ain't kidding.
That said I also own six hicaps. Three came with my guns, two I got for free cause they didn't work (easy fixes), and one I got in a trade for other stuff. I do use them in non-serious games, or in my CA249 because I don't have a box mag yet (ordered one today! :grin: ).
Originally Posted by Shugart
And as I said before, if its a skirmish for shits and giggles, I really don't give a rats ass about super realism. Airsoft is a hobby, meant to entertain, and enjoy, I don't necesserily like always having to sacrifice my enjoyment for the sake of absolute realism.
QFT. :tup: