Originally Posted by Hockstar
wow, it is interesting to read some of the posts.
I purchased my about a year ago now, and I am happy with my choice. Before buying I did about 4-6 months of constant reading and found that by others opinion and reviews that TM was the best choice. To read people above telling a new airsofter that TM is the worst is interesting.
To say that TM has the worst mechbox is crazy, they have been around the longest and have the most proven and reliable one made.
CS and ICS do have the advantage of the metal bodies but with their first generations of weapons there was MAJOR problems, I have heard some good things about their latest versions, but many do not trust them yet.
My choice would be a TM rifle, it is the best for a first time buyer, with reliability being a major concern.
Thing is though, they are PROVEN now and that is what I'm trying to get out there. Read around. Not one person that has writen a review somewhere has been dissatisfied. Yes there may be a few who got problem ones but I've heard of many TM lemons as well. They aren't perfect either. It's like if CA fucks up, the're hung from their teeth but TM, no, people sweep it under the rug. Well I say screw them. Not only cause they arn't perfect but because they offer the least with everything they sell and havn't stepped it up to compete. Those who don't see how much of a rip off they are when they go and spend over a thounsand bucks on their TM with CA parts and other upgrades just to get what I pulled out of the box for less than half of that are fools.
Think about it, it's pretty simple. TM=huge price for the name and what you get (plastic body, V2 mechbox with a flaw, no accesories, low power, no upgrades, coice between only A4/A5)
CA=reasonable price for getting something that is equal to but usually far better in oall areas listed above.
Jebus, this journey to get Canadian players to see the light is a tough one, though it bloody well shouldn't be!