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Old April 10th, 2006, 19:21   #6
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Vancouver, WA
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G&P can fit ICS guns. I have done it, but for my method it required JB Weld and a dremel. Basically what I did was to shorten down the length of the stock adaptor ( as you will not be able to screw the G&P buffer tube onto the body. It is hard to explain why this won't work, but you'd basically need a bigger spacer and have to use the ICS screw. The G&P buffer is different than a regular one on the inside to make room for the battery.

But I digress, cut down the adaptor about 3/4-1" so that the channel for wire is not interrupted and to make room for the batt. Now, JB Weld the G&P buffer tube to this piece. Piece together your wiring and away you go! The nice thing about doing it this way is that if you want to remove the crane stock and install a full stock or something, just remove the adaptor from the reciever via the screw under the buffer tube and you are all set (You will need another adaptor though). I hope this made some semblance of sense, if you need more help/pictures let me know.

EDIT: Here is the gun:
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