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Old February 16th, 2006, 17:03   #9
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Port Coquitlam
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If its aluminum your gona need to have it nickle plated (which most chromium platers do in this case) and then have it chromed. Honestly look at the metal energy potential chart see what you want. Get the metal you want with an anion that is enert (eg. Nitrate) and plate it yourself. You only need a few volts to be honest. If you get a home plating kit i am sure you can make good with it. Remember when you plate its a logrithmic curve for the adherance of the metal as the cation cannot get to the cathode easily when its coated so increasing the voltage at the end is vital. Your gona want clean it well to eliminate finger oils (if it has other contaminance try baking it for only a few minutes) Paint it with a laquer on the areas you dont want the metal to plate to prevent fitting issues. After you nickle plate sand it, and clean it off WELL, and then chrome it! After its chromed polish vigorously haha.

I hope that manusript i typed helps you some, and yes i have done electro plating however i am westcoast so i cannt help you.
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