Originally Posted by mcguyver
btw, pirate. i'd get the m82. nothing says "i wanna be on his team" like holding an m82 at the staging area!!! too bad systema doesn't illicit that response.
lol @ mac, haha. Actually, I think you may also become a hunters prize with this in your hands and personally never having participated in an airsoft match, I'm not sure the pressure of walking into the field with this like I thought I knew something would be my bag. Just a nice.. .errm. perfect M4 would be the ticket ;0) oooooooooohh I have the bug now. See? I've already spent my next 2K on airsoft already, its just figuring out where. My friends spent 3 hours enjoying my HiCapa when I introduced them to airsofts. They would absolutely shit and piss themselves if that M82 was sitting there unexpectedly upon a future visit. I'm sure I could get the next few cases of beer paid for to cover the gas ;0) Justification!