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Old December 19th, 2005, 01:40   #4
Join Date: Dec 2001
Or like this:

As for why I did that? Mostly it was for looks. The "scope" in the back is supposed to be a PVS-14 Night Vision monocular. In reality it is a 4x scope. The scope on the front is your typical replica Aimpoint ML2.

Using a 4x scope and aimpoint together does work, it just requires some getting used to. What happens is that when looking through the 4x scope, 2 dots will actually appear, depending on where your focus is. You just have to know which dot to focus on. Same goes with the crosshairs. Aiming with the crosshairs is quite useless, as airsoft guns don't have the range, nor accuracy to really use the magnified scopes effectively. However, it is an invaluable tool for spotting purposes. It helps you make sure that black spot is a tree stump and not a player waiting in ambush.
- "dman"
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