Sorry to tell you your wrong... but Ni-mh mini pack (ak 2/3 AA cells) can be charged up to 2amps. I race with some R/C cars, an I work in an hobbyshop, so this is my job.... a 600mAh pack should not be charged above 1.5-1.8 amps.... I charge my 1100 mAh packs at 2 amps no prob.... and big packs (ak sub-c cells) can be SAFELLY charged up to 3 amps.. I do speed charge my pack on 5amps, but I use cooling fans and only do it in emergency cases (ie I have to race in 10 min)....
I'm always talking about Ni-Mh packs. Ni-Cd pack are slingtly different, but since I don't use them quite offen I can't say...
There is also an other type of battries that could be used in guns.... Li-Po packs... these are 11.4V, but they take the space of 5 "small pack cells", and are around 1200-1500 mAh in capacity... They do require a special charger though, and cannot be charged above 1C (or they burst in flame)
Don't take me wrong... I don't want to say that you don't know what you say, but here is what I know in both theory and pratice...