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Old November 20th, 2005, 23:23   #22
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
it's one of those dual ir photocell jobs. cost 80 bucks from wgc. it belongs to one of our team members. the chrony doesn't lie. guns i've measured with it here were accurate in other cities with other chrony's. but psi at what volume? volume of air to expand = potential energy and said expansion = kinetic energy. more volume=more energy. basic premise behind gunpowder and bullet velocity, right. i do realize that i have no data to present nor do i care to spend time and energy to get any. my thinking is just on the simple mechanics of what occurs and you disregard things that i've brought up because it doesn't fit you're mathematical model. unless you have star trek sensors placed at every point in the aeg to measure stresses, your math is just a little more sophisticated supposition, but it is just that, supposition. the point is unless you employ high speed cameras to every point from spring guide to flashider and see absolutely everything that occurs, we don't really know do we? we only suppose and sometimes the math works and sometimes not (out of your keyboard from a previous post). but if we don't discuss like rational people then ideas are not exchanged and progress does not occur. i'm not saying i'm right and you're wrong. you may very well be correct and i may very well be wrong, but in the end it's not really that important of an issue for me so if i'm wrong i can live with it. all i'm saying is that from my "empircal only" standpoint it doesn't sit right with me.
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