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Old March 4th, 2020, 19:41   #1253
Ronald Chang
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Toronto
Easy Way to Make CP Deliver Package On Time

To our ASC friends who received packages late:

Just notify the seller/sender, and ask them to file a compliant to CP. CP has a standard delivery time which they must follow, they will FULLY REFUND the shipping cost if the package arrives late. Then ask the seller or sender to refund you the shipping cost (you may skip this step if you think it's too much work).

This looks like a bit of extra work and most of us received the package finally will not do this. But listen: CP really will be much more careful next time for package sent to you (or packages you send out), as I have tried this twice and it works !

It hurts their business so they will take remedy.
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