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Old January 31st, 2020, 14:22   #10
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I was carrying an 8.6kg G&P249 while I was 130lbs. The only thing stopping people is their feeble willpower and crippling back pain.
This will die just like the STAR 249 for the same reason; you can't just make a metal gun out of plastic and expect it to work perfectly.
I have to agree. I'm very accident prone, so all my guns are metal. I'm less likely to trip and brake them. That being said, I do like looking at what companies come out with, and watching people using them start to cuss as their gun falls apart.
1 First special service force SGT
C.A.T.S airsoft
M16- ICS
M4- walmart special
Ak-47- stunt studio
HK416 - G&G
1911tac - KJ Works - Green gas
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