Ultimate is not bad. But it does get boring there as the field doesn't change all that much.
Siege Airsoft (in Scarborough) has a regular amount of players and they change their field map every month. The playing space is also bigger than Ultimate.
Originally Posted by BELObeatz
I love that this forum topic was top when I logged back on. I literally just remembered my old password and dropped in for a site visit. It's interesting to read the changes over the years. My last activity was 2013!!! Perhaps the WW3 talk has me intriged to build an A-Tacs Au-X plate carrier loadout and doomsday prep. Plus I got a Fitbit and it tells me to excersize. Running around trying to shot for effect sounds like it's in the cards for 2020.
Hope to see you all out there! Ultimate Airsoft looks like the choice for me.. any red flags with that place nowadays?