Originally Posted by cbcsteve
For Indoor fields - Despite the high-caps and higher amount of new players it is not too bad if you go on certain days at certain venues where regulars would play, it can be fun. I go 2 to 3 times a week to Siege Airsoft in Scarborough for the past year and play with a regular group of people.
For IPSC style shooting - Definitely Action Air Canada in Mississauga is a lot of fun. Makes you realize that you probably are not as an accurate shooter as you think :P
Don't forget that the influx of new players means better sales for the local retail stores. The stock and demand has gone up and it is so much easier to get things compared to 2009. (Unless you are buying from Hero Outdoors, call them before purchasing to see if they have stock)
If I could afford to drag my ass to Toronto on the regular, thanks for the suggestions. Good to know.
I've noticed one new local place pop up offering airsoft: this paintballhq.ca. Still have to put up with the shitty paint but if anyone has visited (I know, long shot asking here now) I'd like to know.
Ah well. I accept it in general though. The golden days of the 2000s are gone and sure as shit a big part of it was destroyed in the 2010s by the extreme rise of social media. Good that retailers can get a better foot in though.