Broken gun+ spare time= What's your story?
So I've been trying to salvage for parts and stuff for a KHC P228 I had today I had some spare time to sift through the pile of parts that used to be a P228...well I decided why not try to build it again it wasn't that hard...
**insert dramatic music here**
Well I rebuit the gun and there's a slight problem. Whenever I pull the trigger all that happens is that I load a BB and its ready to fire but no gas is released due to the broken part...well being a genius/madman that I am I decided to just push the hammer which strikes this doo dad..which causes the mag to release a little gas to propell the BB...
**insert more dramatic music here**
I always do things to the extreme...I just filled the mag and let all the gas thats supposedly used to propell at least 15 BBs proepel 1...the result a very high pitched sound and a big arsed puff of gas And a BB that went through todays's toronto star from A1-B5 from 10 Ft away...
I could still do semi auto but now when I fire i need to keep trigger pulled and then pull back hammer then let hammer fall then pull hammer back and let hammer fall again. I'm trying to find a way to make it do all that with one trigger pull so I don't have to always remember which step goes first because I keep forgeting to pull trigger first.
Any Ideas?
I have a decent side arm but this one is just a for fun project and lets me try out taking apart a gun and seeing what each part does and such.