If you're running 11.1 LiPos, you're going to run into failures on a mechanical trigger switch as well due to the arcing and burning.
If your problem was one of the LiPo's cells failing, then the issue wasn't the gun at all, it was a battery failure, and removing electronics won't solve that.
Fuses won't stop cells from failing, either.
Simple mosfet would be the best route if you want any decent amount of trigger response. It's an analog trigger switch, and there's not much that can fail on it.
If you want to put a mechanical trigger switch in it, use 7.4 LiPos and make your setup fairly low amperage.
The Ares EFCS mechbox will probably have to be swapped out to a regular V2 that can take a mechanical trigger. Mechbox swaps tend to come with their own issues.